Description & Features The CBS-2041e and CBS-2042e feature our patented intermittent spray over technology, which works like this: The following variables are programmed for each batch size:
Brew volume | Prewet percent (Percentage of the brew volume)
Brew time | Prewet delay (The time between prewetting and the brew cycle.)
Bypass percent (Percentage of the brew volume) | Drip delay (The time between the end of the brew cycle and the unlocking of the brew basket.)
Using these variables, the software calculates how much water to use for prewetting, bypass, and brewing. The total brew time is divided into several 30 second cycles. Within these cycles, the software calculates how long to spray water over the coffee grounds, and how long to pause before the next cycle begins. The bypass valve opens at the beginning of the brew cycle and dispenses the correct amount of water all at once.